long covid care

Over the past three years, physicians at Westchester Medical Center’s Post-Covid Recovery Program have seen close to 1,100 patients. Also referred to as Long Covid, the condition occurs more often in people who had severe Covid, required hospitalization in intensive care or are unvaccinated—though anyone who’s had Covid can potentially suffer from it.

With symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, muscle weakness and joint pain, and/or cognitive dysfunction/ brain fog lasting longer than three months, the WMC program was established in October, 2020 to help these patients.

According to WMC’s Dr. Shick Yu, about 50 percent of long Covid patients have symptoms that will eventually [or almost] disappear; 25 percent will have some symptoms long-term, while another 25 percent is expected to suffer indefinitely.

The WMC program spans primary care, pulmonology, cardiology, nephrology, neurology, radiology psychiatry. Patients are assigned a clinical navigator to guide them through a treatment plan tailored specifically to them. To learn more or to make an appointment, call 914-592-2400.

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