Have you received your third “booster” vaccine for the virus? If so, you’ll want to update your New York State Excelsior Pass.
Here’s how you can do that:
Go to the app on your smartphone. In the upper right hand corner, you should see a “+” sign. Tap on that plus and then click on “Get Pass.” It will ask for some data from you (date of birth, dates of vaccines, etc.) and it will then update to the Excelsior Pass Plus, showing that you’ve had three vaccines. There is now no expiration date.
If you don’t yet have the app on your phone, check out our previous article on how to register for the Excelsior Pass.
Susan E. Ross is founder/publisher/curator of Westchester Senior Voice print and digital magazine. She is also founder of the Booming BETTER Expo as well as a Certified Senior Advisor and part of the boomer generation. She is committed to changing the conversation about aging and discards the notion that being a certain age makes us irrelevant. Boomers and seniors are vital members of our communities and enhance the lives of those around us. Susan can be reached via email at Publisher@westchesterseniorvoice.com
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22 Nov 2021
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Have you received your third “booster” vaccine for the virus? If so, you’ll want to update your New York State Excelsior Pass.
Here’s how you can do that:
Go to the app on your smartphone. In the upper right hand corner, you should see a “+” sign. Tap on that plus and then click on “Get Pass.” It will ask for some data from you (date of birth, dates of vaccines, etc.) and it will then update to the Excelsior Pass Plus, showing that you’ve had three vaccines. There is now no expiration date.
If you don’t yet have the app on your phone, check out our previous article on how to register for the Excelsior Pass.